Friday, March 8, 2013

Curriculum Relevance

I have been a curriculum writer for our World History classes for the past three years. What I have been able to pick up through this class and through the reading has changed many previous misconceptions that I had regarding the makeup of that curriculum. The realization that all curriculum should be written to fit the population of the school has been an extremely positive change to what will be in the curriculum in the future.

Also, the idea presented in the readings this week refer to the idea of schools being people and not programs is something that I had spent much time in thought over in the last five years of my 15 years of teaching. It brings to mind the idea that we can put as much effort into new ideas and thoughts, but all that we come up with must make its way to the person at the end of the line...the student. My action research on motivational techniques utilized by administrators and teachers will be an enjoyable one for me. I look forward to analyzing ideas of veteran teachers and comparing those with the ideas of new teachers, and through comparison and contrasting methods, coming up with something that can be collaboratively shared with all shareholders in the educational life of students.


  1. I think you have chosen a great topic for your action research! Finding ways to motivate not only students, but the faculty as well will always generate rewarding results. Also, the idea of schools being "people" and not "programs" is absolutely right. Until we find ways to provide the adequate services or deliver instruction effectively to our students, the number or quality of programs won't make a difference in student achievement.

  2. In a time when the state is making it harder on educators you are definitely headed I the right direction with your topic. It will be interesting to see not only what motivates the veteran and new teachers but maybe you can find ways to keep young teachers in the education field. Hope all goes well.
