Friday, March 15, 2013

Action Research Template - Harris Workable

Below is a copy of my Action Research Template using the Harris Workable file provided in Resources tab on BlackBoard. Let me know what you think. Comment freely. Have a great weekend!

Action Planning Template
Goal: Improve Motivation/Share Effective Techniques
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Action Research topic construction, discussion and approval.
Mrs. Cynthia Sandoval-Wilson, Principal Sharyland High School/Site Supervisor
February 2013
Three proposals for action research.
Input and approval from site supervisor.
Present and Modify Action Research Topics with Site Supervisor
2. Online investigation of Action Research topic approved.
(Motivational Techniques/Surveys)
February-March, 2013
Computer with Internet connectivity
Review examples of similar action research plans and surveys online, determine direction
3. Identify students to study through student records or PEIMS clerk.
Myself, Ms. Patricia Cavazos, PEIMS Clerk, Sharyland High School
March-April, 2013
Student Records
List compiled of teachers and students targeted, spreadsheet developed for tracking
4. Construct surveys used to gather opinion data from administrators, teachers, and students.
Mrs. Cynthia Sandoval-Wilson, Site Supervisor, Myself, Assistant Principal Ms. Martha Suaceda
March-April, 2013
Complete and Approve through Site Supervisor
5. Survey Sharyland High School students, teachers, and administrators on effective motivation.
Students, Teachers, Administrators
May, 2013 – January, 2014
Data Construction and Organization Spreadsheet
Assemble Data on Spreadsheet
6. Construct interviews used to gather opinion data from students, teachers, and administrators.
Mrs. Cynthia Sandoval-Wilson, Site Supervisor, Myself, Assistant Principal Ms. Martha Suaceda
March-April, 2013
Interview Questionnaire
Complete and Approved through Site Supervisor
7. Interview Sharyland High School students, teachers, and administrators on effective motivation.
Students, Teachers, and Administrators
May, 2013 – December, 2013
Data Construction and Organization Spreadsheet
Assemble Data on Spreadsheet
8. Compilation of Data provided by surveys, interviews, and PEIMS data.
Myself, Site Supervisor
December, 2013
Discuss Data, Graphs, Charts, Powerpoint Construction
Construction of Data Analysis and Results
9. Review – Evaluation
Myself, Site Supervisor
January, 2014
Review Data Assembly
Correction of Data Analysis
10. Implementation
Myself, Site Supervisor
January, 2014
Final Presentation of Data


  1. You have developed a very comprehensive plan that follows a systematic collection of data. When your plan is complete, you will have a great amount of data with all of the surveys and interviews you are conducting. Great Job!!

  2. I really like that you walked us step by step through your plan. I think that finding effective motivation is one of the largest keys to success in our schools. Students today lack self motivation and are therefore falling behind where they should be. I believe we either need to teach them to be self motivated or find other ways to motivate them. I am very interested to see how your plan turns out, so keep us posted! Great job!

  3. Plan looks good, the organization makes it easy to see the transition from one activity to the next. Good Job.

  4. Great topic. I strongly believe that Motivation is the key on both sides of the spectrum. Students need motivation to learn what is needed to learn and teachers need motivation to teach the best and most effective techniques in our classroom. You have set up a good deal of data collection and I wish you all the luck in the end.

  5. Your plan looks very well thought out and set up to be a great project. I love the topic, Motivation is a key to student success. Good Luck!

  6. Your plan looks great.Very specific and detailed. I took note and plan to revise mine. Thanks for the tips.

  7. Your plan is very detailed. It is amazing what students can accomplish when they are motivated! Good luck on your project! I like the hoops theme on your blog!

    1. As I was recently given a Teen Leadership class, after 6 years of asking for it, I am using the motivation techniques picked up in the 5311 class to add to the curriculum already. Then I have taken the effective ideas and implemented them into my World History class as well. I agree, motivation is the key...

  8. This is a well though out plan. With testing coming up, how will you get the administrators to cooperate and find time to assist you?

    1. That is a great question. The process to date has been pushed to quick meetings with my site supervisor. She is very thorough, and I can sense her frustration with the many questions that I have for her. I can see her beginning to trust my ideas more and more as I send her updates. It does feel that I am trying harder to make them feel better than putting together a great reserch topic. If it comes to it, I will stay as late as possible to get the help that I need to complete the research...
