Sunday, March 24, 2013

Action Plan Template - Revised

There have been many revisions to this plan over the past few weeks. These I have listed below  are a combination of many comments from students in the Action Research class right now. I truly appreciate the positive comments from you all. The two below are the comments that I chose to focus on and include in my action research.

Revisions from peer comments: 
Added number three - informal interviews with teachers to identify areas of concern

Revisions from site supervisor meeting:
Added number four - presentation to staff of action research plan

It is my opinion that the addition of the above revisions in my research will greatly help in the empowerment process of teachers. The effect that this action research plan has had on our current administration is profound. There has already been a palpable increase in the push to motivate teachers over the past month. I truly believe that all stakeholders in the educational process will benefit from this research if done right. 

Action Planning Template
Goal: Improve Motivation/Share Effective Techniques
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
1. Action Research topic construction, discussion and approval.

Mrs. Cynthia Sandoval-Wilson, Principal Sharyland High School/Site Supervisor
February 2013
Three proposals for action research.
Input and approval from site supervisor.
Present and Modify Action Research Topics with Site Supervisor
2. Online investigation of Action Research topic approved.
(Motivational Techniques/Surveys)

February-March, 2013
Computer with Internet connectivity
Review examples of similar action research plans and surveys online, determine direction
3. Informal interviews with teachers to introduce ideas to colleagues

March-April, 2013
None required
Note taking assembly
4. Presentation of Action Research to staff in staff development.

Myself, Mrs. Cynthia Wilson
May, 2013
Computer, Projector, Library Lecture Hall
Handouts to Teachers for input
5. Identify students to study through student records or PEIMS clerk.

Myself, Ms. Patricia Cavazos, PEIMS Clerk, Sharyland High School
March-April, 2013
Student Records
List compiled of teachers and students targeted, spreadsheet developed for tracking
6. Construct surveys used to gather opinion data from administrators, teachers, and students.

Mrs. Cynthia Sandoval-Wilson, Site Supervisor, Myself, Assistant Principal Ms. Martha Suaceda
March-April, 2013
Complete and Approve through Site Supervisor
7. Survey Sharyland High School students, teachers, and administrators on effective motivation.

Students, Teachers, Administrators
May, 2013 – January, 2014
Data Construction and Organization Spreadsheet
Assemble Data on Spreadsheet
8. Construct interviews used to gather opinion data from students, teachers, and administrators.

Mrs. Cynthia Sandoval-Wilson, Site Supervisor, Myself, Assistant Principal Ms. Martha Suaceda
March-April, 2013
Interview Questionnaire
Complete and Approved through Site Supervisor
8. Interview Sharyland High School students, teachers, and administrators on effective motivation.

Students, Teachers, and Administrators
May, 2013 – December, 2013
Data Construction and Organization Spreadsheet
Assemble Data on Spreadsheet
9. Compilation of Data provided by surveys, interviews, and PEIMS data.

Myself, Site Supervisor
December, 2013
Discuss Data, Graphs, Charts, Powerpoint Construction
Construction of Data Analysis and Results
10. Review – Evaluation

Myself, Site Supervisor
January, 2014
Review Data Assembly
Correction of Data Analysis
11. Implementation

Myself, Site Supervisor
January, 2014
Final Presentation of Data

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. This looks great. It is difficult to have a single answer that can be used to motivate every person, but I am interested to know the many different strategies that have been used and are considered successful. Additionally, I am sure you will be able to determine through this research the many different needs there are within your school. This knowledge will no doubt bring up important areas for focus and possibly additional need for action research. Through this study, you are primarily focusing on student motivation... You mentioned that teachers are not very motivated, so have you considered asking teachers to evaluate what motivates them? Unmotivated teachers are not very engaging thus as a result, the students follow suit. Motivating teachers is critical to motivating students. Good luck with your research!

  2. A lot of your research has similarities to mine. I am doing my action research over techniques used in the remediation of students and it involves things like looking up student's data and find out how they have done in their classes. I would imagine that a lot of research projects are the same in the fact that they may have a different title, but still have a lot of the same content. For your surveys, one of our principals suggested survey monkey online. I am not sure myself on how to use it, but I am going to find out. Have fun.
